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Photos of various spaces in the residence
Hearthstone IRA (Individualized Residential Alternative) is home to seven residents

Despite COVID-related difficulties, YAI’s Program Development, Design and Resource department and the Long Island regional team never stopped working on opening a new residence. On February 3, 2021, the Hearthstone Individualized Residential Alternative (IRA) located in Dix Hills opened its doors. The home is allotted for seven people who are aging out of residential schools and into supportive residential programs.

“Opening a program during a pandemic created many challenges that we did not expect to face. However, with great teamwork and regional supports we were able to take these challenges in stride and worked hard as a team to open the program,” said Danielle Scarpitta, Long Island Residential Director.

Prior to opening Hearthstone, the residential leadership team hosted weekly virtual meetings with the soon-to-be residents so they could get to know each other. The meetings also enabled staff to begin building rapport with the people they were going to support.

“I'm so proud and appreciative of the great job the Long Island team did during these hard times. Our son has been so happy since he has moved in, and the team did such a great job getting to know him and allowing him the opportunity to know his peers prior to moving in. We are so fortunate and grateful that when he moved in, he immediately knew he was home," said Stacy S., a parent of a Hearthstone resident.