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4 photos of students acting out different scenes of The Little Mermaid
Students from MS 223 in the Bronx put on a production of The Little Mermaid for their families and friends on June 3, 2023. 

Students from MS 223 in the Bronx made sure to give the performance of a lifetime as they stepped into their roles in the school production of The Little Mermaid on June 3.  

The musical was co-directed by YAI Arts & Culture artist Dylan Burke and included a cast of 16 middle schoolers who not only acted in the show but also worked behind the scenes helping with set design.  

 “The students were incredible and came together and had fun with it,” said Burke. “They made sure they were projecting full confidence when performing in front of a packed room full of their families and friends.”  

For a lot of the students, it was their first time in a musical or even performing on stage. But the group proved to be hard workers and got creative over the course of 10 weeks, starting from the auditions in mid-March to the final performance in June. Some even stepped up to the challenge and played more than one role after some students had to drop out.  

“I am the proudest of seeing their growth from the auditions to the performance itself and as a 6th grader you are still figuring out who you are, so it was about trying to get them out of their shells,” said Burke. “In the end, they found their artistry and creativity and utilized it to the fullest potential.”