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While work is under way to open YAI/NIPD’s new Spencer Drive residence, three other YAI/NIPD homes will undergo renovations this summer to meet the needs of even more residents who are approaching their golden years.

In Westchester, YAI/NIPD’s Rose Lane and Falmouth Road residences will be modified to better accommodate 15 aging people with developmental disabilities and ambulatory issues.

“Like many of us as we grow older, some of our residents have difficulty going up and down stairs,” said Beverly Jackson, Assistant Director of YAI/NIPD’s Residential Services. “The renovations will create first-floor bedrooms and more space in the kitchen, medication and therapy rooms to accommodate individuals in wheelchairs.”

“Our staff is so excited that the guys can stay in their home as a family; it’s wonderful to see that,” said Linda Pepdjonovic, Supervisor of Rose Lane.

Making Queens Residence More Accessible

In Queens, YAI/NIPD’s Susan Silfen Residence will undergo renovations to add four barrier-free bedrooms, and a more easily accessible first-floor bathroom, living and dining room.

“It’s important to be responsive to needs of our residents and to allow them to age with dignity in place, in settings that have been appropriately retrofitted to them,” said Sandy Speiser, Assistant Director of YAI/NIPD’s Planning and New Initiatives Department.