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I've spent most of my time recently watching the Major League Baseball playoffs, after all I'm a big fan wouldn't want to miss any of the games, no matter which teams are playing.

As for the debates, after reading messages sent to me on Facebook, reading newspapers, watching the 11 o'clock News, I was disappointed that there was no mention of issues affecting people with disabilities.

And no mention of Latin America in a debate on foreign policy. Why? Sure on the subject of immigration, cold war, Cuba. Latin America becomes a topic of discussion. Yet one has to wonder do either of these candidates really know of U.S. foreign policy in Latin America or for that matter know where Puerto Rico is located?

Going back to the disability issue: No mention of financial aid for people with disabilities to go to college, medical services/insurance, no better services for veterans of war who are now disabled. No visits to hospitals, or service organizations that serve the disabled. Wow what a shame!